Thanks to AlterNet for this little find. They are calling it Romney's "macaca moment", as well they should. Seriously, they just can't help themselves, can they? It is so latent that unless they have their handlers right there telling them what to say and do...it just 'slips' out!
All of this type of treatment of Obama, usually by the very people who claim America is so special, and almost completely ignored or made light of by the mainstream media, totally debases what this country is supposed to stand for. It gives away the ghost on what many Americans really believe. If it were coming from guys in white hoods, the media would be all over it, but because it's not, even if it's the same sentiment, they just brush if off. If it had been Obama holding a sign (jokingly!) equating Bush with Hitler or something, well, we don't even need to guess what the reaction to that would be.
If this Ken Doll doesn't have sense (and let's face it, morality) enough to know this is wrong at his age...then we shouldn't elect him to any office in any land. But just watch - if it gets any attention at all - and I doubt it will - it'll be played off as the political equivalent to a "youthful indiscretion". A lapse in "judgement". But we know better. Lapses in judgement are usually when your 'true self' gets out from behind the posturing. Like Dr. Strangelove's arm...
Update: Oh yes...he has 'responded' to it. It was just a cute little alliteration. Get it? It's a PLAY ON WORDS! It didn't MEAN anything! We should all just "lighten up". Sillies!
Sigh.... so...Vote Mittler!!!!!!!! But remember I am only joking...it's just an alliteration, and means absolutely NOTHING! They are just "words", after all. Everyone knows words don't have any MEANING! Lighten UP!
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