23 July 2007

Maybe I Just Like British Accents... Tony Benn on DEMOCRACY

I've always felt that "democracy" never gets its due for the radical idea it really is. While the far left denigrates it as not radical enough, the right has begun to completely change its definition - a much more serious crime (democracy = loyalty to elites...WTF?!?!?). Worse, the current administration talks of "bringing democracy" the same way the Spanish talked of "bringing Christianity" and the British et al talked of bringing "civilization". "Democracy" as a useful term is becoming almost completely debased. Anyway, my hero in the movie 'Sicko' (other than Michael Moore himself) was Tony Benn, a former British MP. In this documentary, he is essentially saying, just in more detail, exactly what he was touching on in Moore's film. Below is the first segment, and parts 2-5 can be found, in order, here, here, here, and here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smary is so sexy, even when you're an almost elderly MP.